Thursday, March 31, 2011

Released, Wednesday, March 30, 2011 TOTT: North Carolina Giving Responsibility a New Name

Talk of The Town: 919 610-5255

For some time now, I’ve been awe-struck by the lack of honesty, truthfulness, greed, arrogance, and often what passes as supremacy in North Carolina, when less than stellar residents are called upon to help support the passing of North Carolina’s legislation: Greg Taylor, and Alan Gell, who had been wrongly convicted, and now exonorated.

When members of the Clergy are accused of impropriety with children and demented persons; when Local Colleges in order to preserve the legacy of North Carolina’s movers and shakers prepare oral histories by [Dan Blue] nieces and relatives of some of those movers and shakers.

And although your reputation is ordinarily established by your name, local businesses change their names as often as you might change your socks: Capital Strategy, a public relations firm once called upon to limit fallout, and damages for a potential civil rights damage claim, changed its name to Capstrat. North Carolina’s Academy of Trial Lawyers was once called upon to act and protect a citizen’s U.S. Civil, and Constutitonal Rights, change their name to Advocates for Justice, but did nothing.

USAir the Airline Carrier, changed its name to USAirways, when spoofed that without "US," USAIR is just:  "AIR."

North Carolina’s motto is: "To Be, Rather than to Seem i.e., Esse Quam Vederi."

However, my letter to 7th District, member Doug Berger, whose opinion letter, Tuesday, March 29, 2011 acknowledges he sponsored, and supported 150-year ago pardon for former Governor William Holden, yet my letter, sent certified mail to him, for his help and relief was returned unclaimed, "...unable to forward..." by Henderson, N.C. Postal Service.

Neither were certified letters to former House Speaker, Joe Hackney, or Attorney General, Roy Cooper, sent to North Carolina Legislative Building, and N.C. Department of Justice respectively delivered, but claimed to have had "insufficient address, and unable to be delivered."  What will five day delivery be like?

Yet, the North Carolina’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which reports directly to the Attorney General which is responsibile for investigations of their Attorneys might expand their jurisdiction to other areas, with help of legislators, and the Attorney General, if they could only be found.

That's my perspective.  What's yours?

c TOTT, 919 610-5255

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