Thursday, March 10, 2011

N.C. Rights ignored without impunity

Released, Thursday, March 10, 2011: How N.C. SECU views some of its members

Talk of the Town: 919 610-5255

Notwithstanding a N.C. Judge did determine, in open court, from a black member of the N.C. State Employees Credit Union depositor, he was asked: "What is the purpose of the check;" and another teller asked: "What is the check for," and confirmed by Affidavits of Defendants, the judge removed the case from Superior Court to District Court at Defendant’s request because of the Constitutional question of privacy, and self-incrimination.

Yet, the court dismissed [without trial] the case alleging Civil Rights violation, and contempt of a court’s order and [stipulated agreement, and settlement [$4,500] for false debt collection], which was required to be signed by a judge, and was stipulated to by a credit card company that the amount would remain undisclose, and its purpose: "legal settlement, would remain confidential," the judge refused to remand the case back to the judge to consider a contempt citation.

Another N.C. Judge further refused to enter a Summary Judgment on behalf of Plaintiff, whose Interrogatories went unanswered; whose opposing counsel sought a continuance to prepare answers to interrogatories; but who used the continuance--obtained exparte from the Clerk of Court--to obtain affidavits to support his [defendant’s] own summary judgment, which the court granted, while ignoring without explanation, the Plaintiff’s demand for answers to his interrogatories, and sanctions for rules violations.

Since the former President of the SECU, after appearing before Congress, is quoted to have said that the SECU Moto is "Do the Right Thing," Plaintiff sought to inform the CEO of the treatment received at the Henderson Branch of the SECU, by tellers.

A letter June 14, 2010, on SECU letter head, and allegedly from the Administrative Office of the President James C. Blaine responded:

Dear Mr. Young "Your foolishness needs to cease, Mr. Young. Hope that statement is very clear.
You may choose to continue to make false charges and to defame the Credit Union if you wish; but the judicial system of the State has verified it’s not the truth.

I assume everyone’s wrong on this but you. your unfairness is the true injustice." [sic]

That's my perspective on N.C. Rights.  What's yours?  What would you do?

c Talk of the Town, 919 610-5255

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