Friday, March 25, 2011

Released, Friday, March 25, 2011, Saving money when necessary is City’s obligation

Talk of the Town: 919 610-5255

A lot of city officials have money and budgets on their minds.

Henderson, N.C., besides trying to explain its latest notoriety, is still looking for the Tax Office Bank Bag that never got deposited, and no one has been held accountable, not to mention the numerous fires that get reported, but go uninvestigated, or at least no cause is reported as having been determined.

Oxford is contending with the embarrassment of having to pay continued health benefits for its former Mayor Ellington, who is waiting to be sentenced for having child pornography on his computer.

Though Charles Meeker’s, Raleigh’s Mayor’s missteps are not quite that servere. Meekers, faux pas, and that of the City Attorney’s is the ignoring of a Civil Rights violation, and the City Manager, Russell’s $10,000 pay raise, and the proposed City Budget, efforts to appease the memory of Clarence E. Lightner, for Lightner's son, Bruce.

While embarrassment surrounds the effort to erect the Clarence E. Lightner Public Safety Center, in which the city has spent $25 Million in just its design cost alone; a concern surrounds substantial monetary consequences if the city would have to reimburse a former citizen for Civil Rights violation for conduct of a Raleigh Police officer some years ago.

A former N.C. Supreme Court judge, Harry C. Martin, who wrote, in a 6-1 decision by the North Carolina Supreme Court that "citizens have a right to sue on free-speech violations by ‘A direct action against the state for its violations of free speech [which] is essential to the preservation of free speech.’ "

Former Governor, Easley, now a convicted felon, had the luxury of giving pay raises to his minions as he left the Attorney General’s Office for the Governor’s Mansion, Meeker doesn’t have the option to increase salaries of Department of Justice employees thereby putting minions in place to preserve his legacy, or that of the City Manager.

c Talk of the Town  919-610-5255

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