Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Matching deeds to words

Released, Tuesday, March 01, 2011, Who needs law school?

Talk of theTown: 919 610-5255

 "Words that don’t match deeds are inconsequential."

The above quote, which I have paraphrased from Ernesto Che Guevera, comes to mind when I read letters to the editor with the by-line of Gene Nichols, a professor of law at UNC-Chapel Hill, and who is the director of the University’s Center on Proverty Work and Opportunity. The earlier acknowledgement given ink by the N & O to the professor was that there is a need for attorneys to help the underclass in civil actions as well as criminal actions. [N & O 11-23-2009]

Letters I’ve written to Mr. Nichols and the N & O, highlighting government abuse condoned by the Judiciary, were answered in invisible ink. The learned professor Nichol’s most recent writing, [N & O 2-28-11], recognizes that because of the slow economy, Legal Services to the poor is being cut, which he attributes to the new Republican Leadership in both Houses in North Carolina. Not much of a solution, but more politics and finger pointing.

Recently, and supposedly "highly educated" members and product of legal scholars at Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, ECU, some God-fearing as well, have run afoul of the law. Do the name Balance, Nifong, Phipps, Clinton, Easley ring a bell?

Recouping some cost for benefit of the N.C. Budget expended by tax payers in the education of these and other individuals might be obtained by enforcement of the NCGS 7A-376 requring professional standards be applied to Judges, and their minions, with loss of pension benefits if they don’t, a requirement to ensure honest services.

Since the courts have declared that every one is presumed to know the law, and I have pursued First Amendment Rights; endured allegations, and libeled that I was not a "serious candidate" for House Seat 35, because of pursuit of my First Amendment rights, I would propose legislation be enacted to once again which allow those individuals interested in the law and those who have studied the law, or students of the law, and can pass the bar--as the late N.C. justice David M. Britt, N.C. Judge and Abe Lincoln--be permitted to practice the law, and break the silent monopoly of the legal profession.
As Professor Nichols says without legal assistance: the "Poor and near poor Americans... [when treated inferior, or] are effectively priced...[are made voiceless and left] out of the civil justice system." Just ask Silent Thomas!

c: Talk of the Town, Henderson, NC 27536

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